

Showing 1-6 of 28 results


Our Third Anniversary Is Here

It’s our third anniversary here at dekanta, and each year we try to deliver an exciting week full of events,…

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Kikou 2018 – A Japanese Whisky Encased In Scottish Legend

Jun 14, 2018

What happens when you take the booming category of Japanese whisky and fuse it with the traditions of…

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Japanese Gin “Sakurao Original” Tops Category At Los Angeles International Spirits Competition

Jun 20, 2018

Last year will be known as the year of Japanese gin when the category really boomed and Japan’s…

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The Best Of Black Friday At dekanta

It’s Black Friday and that means a day of hunting for bargains, buying Christmas presents and treating yourself to that…

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Dekanta 5th Anniversary Countdown Day 2 – Nagahama

Jun 04, 2020

It’s Day 2 of our 10 day dekanta anniversary countdown, and today we’re honouring another of Japan’s ji-whisky…

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Dekanta 5th Anniversary Countdown Day 3 – Nikka Miyagikyo

Jun 05, 2020

It’s Day 3 of our 10 day dekanta anniversary countdown, and today we’re honouring one of Nikka’s two…

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