

Showing 7-12 of 41 results


Japanese Spirits To Enjoy In Summer 2018

We’re halfway through summer, and it’s been a great one so far. The United Kingdom is enjoying one of the…

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Marugin – The Birthplace of The Japanese Whisky Highball

Jun 27, 2018

Located on a small street near Ginza station in Tokyo, bar Marugin is usually packed. Smoke and steam…

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Japanese Gin “Sakurao Original” Tops Category At Los Angeles International Spirits Competition

Jun 20, 2018

Last year will be known as the year of Japanese gin when the category really boomed and Japan’s…

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Kikou 2018 – A Japanese Whisky Encased In Scottish Legend

What happens when you take the booming category of Japanese whisky and fuse it with the traditions of Scotch? You…

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Japan Shines In Asia’s Best 50 Bars List

May 08, 2018

This news may come as a surprise to few, especially those who know the bar scene in Japan,…

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Gin-Posium 2017 – The Era of Craft Japanese Gin

Dec 14, 2017

The year is coming to close, yet, the excitement doesn’t seem to be slowing down anytime soon. The…

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