

Showing 7-12 of 44 results


Bartenders choice: Ichiro's Malt

One famous Japanese whisky I have not talked about so far is Ichiro's Malt, the famous whisky from Venture Whisky…

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New offerings from Ichiro

Jan 09, 2016

You’ve heard about Ichiro Akuto, right? If you haven’t, it’s about time you did! He is a rock…

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More awesome new bottles!

Feb 07, 2016

You should know by now that, at dekantā, we have are extremely passionate about our collector’s items, and…

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Japanese Whisky Investing

Whisky is a fascinating drink; in our view, far more fascinating than wine, vodka, brandy, beer, or any other drink.…

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Ichiro’s Malt Card Series – A Collector’s Dream

Sep 24, 2016

Several Japanese whisky distilleries have produced legendary lines of whisky bottles, and Ichiro’s Malt Card Series is one…

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Japanese Whisky Budget Series: $8,000 to $15,000

Dec 06, 2016

Whether you’re looking for a holiday gift for someone special or you want to build your liquor collection…

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