

Showing 139-144 of 225 results


Japanese Whisky Giants To Raise Production

The year has only just begun, and some amazing news for Japanese whisky has already come through. If you’re reading…

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Festive Overdose Winner Announcement

Jan 03, 2018

The holidays are over, the whisky shelves are empty, ready for new bottles, and it’s time to start…

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The Year Ahead – What’s Set To Happen in Japanese Whisky in 2018

Dec 30, 2017

Our recent piece on Japanese whisky in 2017 aimed to help you look back on the incredible year,…

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Akkeshi – Japan’s “Islay” Distillery

During the Tokyo Whisky Festival last month, one seminar caught my attention over the others. Into the main hall at…

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A Year In Review – What Happened in Japanese Whisky in 2017

Dec 23, 2017

Relationships, friendships, career. Most have their new goals set for 2018, and are spending some much deserved time…

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Japan At London Spirit Show 2017

Dec 06, 2017

The end of the year has been a very busy, exciting time for our team here at dekantā.…

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