

Showing 7-12 of 45 results


2015 in Review

As another year draws to a close, its a good time to highlight all of the amazing developments that have…

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The story of Karuizawa

Jan 13, 2016

January’s bottle of the month is not a single bottle. Rather, Karuizawa collectively is the bottle of the…

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A few Karuizawa bottles for you!

Jan 17, 2016

You may already be aware that January is Karuizawa month. In our last post, we introduced the story…

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See our awesome new bottles!

We at dekantā are avid collectors of novelty bottles. By this, we refer to bottles that don’t exactly resemble your…

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What makes Karuizawa so great?

Feb 12, 2016

We at dekantā have been in contact with an industry insider, Nakai san asking him to share with…

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Japanese Whisky Investing

Mar 14, 2016

Whisky is a fascinating drink; in our view, far more fascinating than wine, vodka, brandy, beer, or any…

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