

Showing 73-78 of 100 results


Santa's Gift List

It's busy season for Santa and all his little helpers toiling away at Santa's factory at the north pole. Every…

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Try a Yoichi!

Dec 08, 2015

Have you had a chance to try out Nikka’s Yoichi yet? If not, you should. Yoichi may not…

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A few ideal gifts this X-mas

Dec 03, 2015

It’s December, The Christmas season has finally arrived, we at dekantā have received many emails from customers looking…

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Our favorite Nikka whiskies

Nikka is a wonderful company, as the lives work of Masataka Taketsuru is holds a special place in the history…

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Bartenders choice: J.B.A.

Nov 24, 2015

When asked, many Japanese answer that their favorite way of drinking whisky is as highball. To put ice…

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New Arrivals You Should Be Trying

Nov 05, 2015

  We at dekantā are as busy as ever stocking up on quality whisky. These five bottles, freshly…

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